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Provides a simple macro to ease the definition of routes in Poem.
Here is an example use of the macro to construct a Poem Route
that has a number of end-points
and a nested static files endpoint.
use poem::{endpoint::StaticFilesEndpoint, EndpointExt, IntoEndpoint, Route};
fn build_routes(my_data: MyData) -> impl IntoEndpoint {
define_routes!(Route::new(), {
// Nest a static files endpoint
*"/static" { StaticFilesEndpoint::new("./static") }
// Standard routes
"/" index GET
"/pastes" paste::pastes GET
"/pastes/:id" paste::paste GET POST
// A nested route for administration
*"/admin" { admin::build_routes() }
// Handlers names are constructed by prefixing the method (followed by an underscore):
// This handler is used in the GET "/" route, so we prefix 'get_' to it's name
pub fn get_index() { ... }
mod paste {
// Corresponds to: paste::pastes GET
pub fn get_pastes() { ... }
// Correspond to: paste::paste GET POST
pub fn get_paste(_: Path<PasteId>) { ... }
pub fn post_paste(_: Path<PasteId>) { ... }
The above will generate the following code:
fn build_routes() -> Route {
.nest("/static", StaticFilesEndpoint::new("./static"))
.at("/", poem::get(index::get_index))
.at("/pastes", poem::get(paste::get_pastes))
.at("/pastes/:id", poem::get(paste::get_paste).post(post_paste))
.nest("/admin", admin::build_routes())
How to use
The optional first argument to the define_routes
macro is the expression to which all the routes
are applied in a builder pattern. If this expression is missing, it defaults to Route::new()
As such, these two are equivalent:
fn build_routes_no_expr() -> Route {
"/" index GET
fn build_routes_with_expr() -> Route {
define_routes!(Route::new(), {
"/" index GET
This can be useful, as you might want to have something before the endpoints are added builder-style to the router.
After the optional expression, the routes are specified, wrapped in braces.
// routes go here
There are two routes supported: nested and normal.
Nested Endpoints
A nested route is indicated by an asterisk, followed by the path on which to nest the endpoint.
// A nested route under "/static", e.g. "/static/foo"
*"/static" { my_nested_router }
After the path string there should be an expression block, being some Rust statements in braces.
This code should evaluate to something that implements IntoEndpoint
This can be useful to nest multiple routers together:
fn admin_routes() -> Route {
"/" admin::index GET
"/users" admin::users GET POST
fn post_routes() -> Route {
"/" posts::posts GET
"/:id" posts::post GET POST
fn build_routes() -> Route {
*"/admin" { admin_routes() }
*"/posts" { post_routes() }
Normal Endpoints
Normal endpoints are specified by the path string, then the handler name template, followed by a
list of methods. The handler name template is a Rust path, such as handler
or module::handler
This path is more like that found in a use
statement, in that it cannot include generic parameters
in any of its segments.
The handler name template is modified for each method by prefixing the method, lower-case, to the
last element in the handler name template, separated by an underscore. For example, if the handler
name template was s3::bucket
and the methods where GET
and POST
, the handler names generated
will be s3::get_bucket
and s3::post_bucket
Consider the following set of handlers:
// Let's define a handler in our current module that we'll use for the "/" route.
fn get_index() -> poem::Result<()> { todo!() }
// Define a couple more handlers for signing in under "/user/signin"
fn get_user_signin() -> poem::Result<()> { todo!() }
fn post_user_signin() -> poem::Result<()> { todo!() }
// Now let's define a couple of handlers for S3 buckets in their own module.
mod s3 {
pub fn get_bucket() -> poem::Result<()> { todo!() }
pub fn post_bucket() -> poem::Result<()> { todo!() }
We can then wire-up these handlers with the define_route
as follows:
fn build_routes() -> Route {
// Handler template 'index' becomes 'get_index'
"/" index GET
// Handler template 'user_signin' becomes 'get_user_signin' and 'post_user_signin'
"/user/signin" user_signin GET POST
// Wire up the S3 bucket handlers the same way.
"/s3/:bucket" s3::bucket GET POST
The grammar for this simple routing table DSL is given in the following rough eBNF:
body = { EXPR "," } "{" routes "}" ;
routes = route { route } ;
route = "*" LIT_STR EXPR_BLOCK
| LIT_STR path methods
path = IDENT { "::" IDENT } ;
methods = method { method } ;
method = "GET" | "POST" | "DELETE" | "PUT" ;