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cement - a super light-weight pastebin

Screenshot of Cement displaying a paste

Cement is a very simple pastebin-like web application written in Rust. It provides a very minimal interface intended to be as intrusion-free as possible. There's no admin or login required.

Running in Docker

A Docker container is provided at blakerain/cement. This container will run Cement on port 3000.

docker run --name my-cement -d blakerain/cement

You can specify the SQLite database using the DB environment variable. For example, if you have mounted a volume under /data into which the database should be stored as cement.db, you can set the DB environment variable to sqlite:///data/cement.db:

docker run -d \
  --name my-cement \
  -e DB=sqlite:///data/cement.db \
  -v cement_data:/data