2023-10-26 13:55:20 +01:00

38 lines
1.7 KiB

This repository contains the sources for my website: []. The website is built using
[Yew]. The website is deployed to an [S3] bucket and served using the AWS [CloudFront] CDN.
Deployment from this repository is performed by a [Gitea] workflow.
## Cargo Features
There are a number of Cargo feature flags that are used during development and during release
builds. These features are as follows:
- `static` feature is set when we want to build the static rendering application, called
`site-build`, which will generate the static HTML pages for the site.
- `hydration` feature is set when we're building the WebAssembly for hydration into a statically
rendered page.
During development, neither `static` nor `hydration` are set. This allows commands like `trunk
serve` to serve the WebAssembly and nicely rebuild upon file changes and so on.
During a release build, we first build the site using `trunk build` with the `hydration` feature
enabled. This will build a WebAssembly module with the hydration support. Afterwards, we use
`cargo run` to run the `site-build` app with the `static` feature set, which allows us to generate
all the static pages.
trunk build --release --features hydration
cargo run --release --features static --bin site-build