15 Insolator
Blake Rain edited this page 2023-12-29 22:26:11 +00:00

The Insolator block is a machine that takes water and energy to duplicate plant matter. The Insolator needs to be given a source of energy (FE) along with sufficient fluid (typically water).


The Insolator can be crafted from the following ingredients:

Ingredient Count ID
Light Bulb 1 utamacraft:bulb
Tungsten Ingot 2 utamacraft:tungsten_ingot
Copper Ingot 2 minecraft:copper_ingot
PCB 1 utamacraft:pcb
Stone Slab 2 minecraft:stone_slab


Energy can be provided via any side of the block. Water can either be placed into the interface of the block or by pushing water from any side of the block. Plants can be added to the inventory of the block to start the Insolator process.

The energy required to process a single plant is 32 FE per tick. The number of ticks required to process a plant depends on the recipe. For example, processing a minecraft:azalea_leaves takes 500 ticks (approximately 25 seconds) and therefore uses 16,000 FE in total. The Insolator is capable of storing 60,000 FE in it's internal battery.

The water required for processing a single plant is also recipe dependant. For example, to process a minecraft:azalea_leaves would require 500 mB (half a bucket). The amount of water required does not depend on the number of ticks required to process the plant. The Insolator can store 64,000 mB of water (64 buckets) in it's internal fluid tank.

When the Insolator starts processing, the light on the front of the block turns green, the block starts to emit a light level of 15, and a humming sound can be heard coming from the block.

When broken with a pickaxe, the Insolator will drop all its inventory. Any energy or water stored in the internal battery or fluid tank are discarded.


The Insolator will not duplicate arbitrary items: recipes are defined for each supported operation. For each recipe, the required fluid, and the amount required for the full duplication is given. In addition, the number of ticks required and corresponding total energy used (at a rate of 32 FE per tick). Finally the total time required is also given.

Item Fluid Fluid (mB) Energy (FE) Ticks Time (s)
minecraft:acacia_leaves 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:acacia_sapling 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:allium 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:azalea 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:azalea_leaves 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:azure_bluet 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:bamboo 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:beetroot_seeds 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:big_dripleaf 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:birch_leaves 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:birch_sapling 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:blue_orchid 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:brown_mushroom 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:cactus 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:chorus_flower 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:cornflower 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:crimson_fungus 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:crimson_roots 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:dandelion 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:dark_oak_leaves 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:dark_oak_sapling 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:fern 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:flowering_azalea 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:flowering_azalea_leaves 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:glow_lichen 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:grass 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:hanging_roots 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:jungle_leaves 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:jungle_sapling 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:large_fern 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:lilac 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:lily_of_the_valley 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:kelp 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:mangrove_leaves 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:melon 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:moss_block 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:moss_carpet 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:nether_sprouts 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:nether_wart 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:oak_leaves 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:oak_sapling 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:orange_tulip 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:oxeye_daisy 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:peony 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:pink_tulip 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:poppy 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:potato 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:pumpkin 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:red_mushroom 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:red_tulip 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:rose_bush 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:sea_pickle 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:seagrass 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:small_dripleaf 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:spore_blossom 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:spruce_leaves 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:spruce_sapling 1000 32000 1000 50.0
minecraft:sugar_cane 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:sunflower 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:tall_grass 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:twisting_vines 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:vine 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:warped_fungus 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:warped_roots 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:weeping_vines 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:wheat 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:wheat_seeds 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:white_tulip 500 16000 500 25.0
minecraft:wither_rose 500 16000 500 25.0

Adding Insolator Recipes

New Insolator recipes can be added by using the utamcraft:insolator recipe type. For example, the recipe for duplicating minecraft:azalea_leaves is as follows:

  "type": "utamacraft:insolator",
  "input": {
    "item": "minecraft:acacia_leaves"
  "ticks": 500,
  "fluid": {
    "FluidName": "minecraft:water",
    "Amount": 500
  "output": {
    "item": "minecraft:acacia_leaves",
    "count": 2

Each recipe states the expected input item and the generated output item (and count). If the count is not specified in the output, the Insolator will only output a single item (no duplication). The fluid property allows specification of the particular fluid required to duplicate the given input, and the amount of fluid to be used.

Block Details

The ID of this block is utamacraft:insolator. There is an NBT tag active that can be used to tell if the Insolator is processing.

Property Value
Material METAL
Occlusion No
Tool Pickaxe
Light Level 0 or 15 when active
Block Class net.banutama.utamacraft.block.custom.InsolatorBlock
Block Entity Class net.banutama.utamacraft.block.entity.InsolatorBlockEntity
Crafting Recipe insolator.json