
47 lines
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-- Swap objects interactively using Treesitter
-- Basically this lets us use '<Leader>cs' to swap sibling treesitter objects, such as function arguments.
local M = {
keys = {
{ "<leader>cs", "<cmd>ISwap<cr>", desc = "Swap items" },
{ "<leader>cS", "<cmd>ISwapWith<cr>", desc = "Swap current item" }
function M.config()
-- The keys that will be used as a selection, in order
-- ('asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm' by default)
keys = 'qwertyuiop',
-- Grey out the rest of the text when making a selection
-- (enabled by default)
grey = 'disable',
-- Highlight group for the sniping value (asdf etc.)
-- default 'Search'
hl_snipe = 'ErrorMsg',
-- Highlight group for the visual selection of terms
-- default 'Visual'
hl_selection = 'WarningMsg',
-- Highlight group for the greyed background
-- default 'Comment'
hl_grey = 'LineNr',
-- Automatically swap with only two arguments
-- default nil
autoswap = true,
-- Other default options you probably should not change:
debug = nil,
hl_grey_priority = '1000'
return M